On the 5th of December 2015, the second anniversary of Madiba’s death, all paintings created by Dagmar Schmidt out of the “Mandela Project Tour 2015” will be shown for the first time at the Embassy of the Federal Republic of South Africa in Berlin. The paintings will then be exhibited in South Africa (Cape Town, East London, University of Fort Hare, Alice and Soweto).

The opening will be in Cape Town on the 15th of December 2015 at Robben Island Museum Gateway Building.

„The Mandela Project 2015/16“ – the Exhibitions – are held under the patronage of former German President Prof. Dr. Roman Herzog. 

“Nelson Mandela, also in my home country, stands as a symbol of the will to freedom and of a readiness for peaceful change. His commitment to the transformation of South Africa has shown to the world what the power of argument, the linkage between visions and a sense of reality, and the example of wise leadership are capable of achieving.”

(Address by German President Roman Herzog at the University of Fort Hare/South Africa on 11 March 1998)

„The Mandela Project 2015/16“ – die Ausstellungen – stehen unter der Schirmherrschaft von Bundespräsident a.D. Prof. Dr. Roman Herzog 

„Nelson Mandela ist auch in meiner Heimat ein Symbol für Freiheitswillen und Bereitschaft zu friedlicher Veränderung. Sein Einsatz für den Wandel in Südafrika hat der Welt gezeigt, was die Kraft des Arguments, die Verbindung von Visionen mit Realitätssinn und das Beispiel weiser Führung zu leisten vermögen.“

(Ansprache von Bundespräsident Roman Herzog an der Universität Fort Hare/Südafrika am 11. März 1998)

May 2015: The first paintings (all of them acrylic on canvas) are ready. Here is a glimpse of Dagmar Schmidt’s work.

This is “work in progress” in her studio in Cologne. 

End of August 2015: More than half of the paintings are ready. Here they are.

September 2015: Another five small paintings (acrylic on paper 32x24cm) are finished. Here they are.

End of September 2015: Another big painting (120x90cm) is done. 

In mid-October 2015: Nearly most of the paintings are finished

In mid-November 2015: The catalog went into print and will be ready end of November